About Max the Mutt College of Animation, Art & Design - Toronto:

Max the Mutt College of Animation, Art & Design is a Registered Career College. We offer Ministry approved diploma programs. and are recognized and respected by the animation and gaming industries for the excellence of these programs and the professionalism of our graduates. MTM alumni are now working for such companies as Electronic Arts, Pixar, UbiSoft, Arc entertainment, Nelvana and Sony Imageworks. Why are our graduates so attractive to top companies? Our graduates are grounded in traditional design, drawing and painting skills as well as the fundamentals of the disciplines they're studying.They are able to use computer programs to maximum advantage. Students are also graded on professionalism as well as course content and are prepared for the work environment.
Max the Mutt offers a 4 year diploma program in Classical & Computer Animation & Production, a 3 year diploma program in Illustration for Sequential Arts: Comic Books & Graphic Novels (the only program of its kind in Canada) and a 4 year diploma program in Concept Art for Animation & Video Games (also the only program of its kind in Canada).
Please note that Max the Mutt College of Animation, Art & Design  and Daemen College, Amherst New York, have an articulation agreement that enables academically qualified MTM graduates who present a portfolio, and have a reference from their diploma head, advanced standing into Daemen's BFA program. This USA degree can be completed with one year of academic study.
PLEASE NOTE: Max the Mutt does not offer on line courses at this time, and, because of the depth and length of our programs, we do not fit into Second Careers requirements. 


Max the Mutt College of Animation, Art & Design - Toronto:
2944 Danforth Avenue,
Toronto, Ontario M4C 1M5, Canada

Max the Mutt College of Animation, Art & Design - Locations:

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* Second Career is only available to those who qualify. There are many criteria that each
  candidate must meet beyond our 3 basic qualifying questions. Visit an Employment
  Ontario assessment centre for your full evaluation of this opportunity.