Medical Laboratory Technician Assistant

The objective of the Medical Laboratory Technician / Assistant is to provide graduates with the skills and knowledge that enable them to qualify for entry-level positions as a medical laboratory technician assistant. The program trains students to collect, process, and prepare patient specimens, enter data, perform clerical and reception services, perform electrocardiograms and urinalyses and carry out basic laboratory procedures. 

Upon successful completion of the MLTA diploma program, graduates are qualified to write a third party examination and achieve their “Certified Lab Assistant” designation through the Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science (CSMLS) as well as the Ontario Society of Medical Technologists (OSMT). All examinations are at the option and expense of the graduate and Medix encourages students to become certified. 

Beauty / MassageEducation / TeachingHealth Care / Nursing / Dental

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* Second Career is only available to those who qualify. There are many criteria that each
  candidate must meet beyond our 3 basic qualifying questions. Visit an Employment
  Ontario assessment centre for your full evaluation of this opportunity.