Child and Youth Worker with Addictions Support

The Child and Youth Care with Addictions Support Worker program is designed to teach students the necessary practical skills and theory to work with adolescents, children and families with challenging needs such as social, emotional, behavioral and mental health concerns. Students will identify the importance of collaborating with colleagues within their field including educators, medical and social worker professionals, correctional staff and community partners. Networking with these professionals will assist them when implementing appropriate prevention/intervention strategies that inspire change. 

The Addictions Support modules explore the physical, emotional and social effects of alcohol, drugs and gambling, examine the process of addictions assessment and teach effective case management skills.

Beauty / MassageEducation / TeachingHealth Care / Nursing / Dental

Medix College of Healthcare – A division of The Career College Group - Locations:

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* Second Career is only available to those who qualify. There are many criteria that each
  candidate must meet beyond our 3 basic qualifying questions. Visit an Employment
  Ontario assessment centre for your full evaluation of this opportunity.